Wednesday 14 October 2015

Script Choice - Trapped

This is the most practical idea for me to do as a short film because the location is easy to access to film in (a school), it is suitable for the actors to be students and I have the most ideas for this. I decided to change the name to just the word 'Trapped' because one worded titles are punchier, remembered and get straight to the point of the film.

First of all, the introduction can have my made up production and film title screens. I can animate these because all good film titles are digital.

The story line will revolve around two characters. Both characters will bush the button so the automatic door will open but it stays shut. Both boys panic a little and press the button more but the door still doesn't open and so the story will show what these boys do to get out. Both boys will have no pass or key card to get through the other door and so they decide to wait it out. During their wait, they can parody famous and recognisable movie situations to add a little humour. These will be:

  • Bouncing a tennis ball as if in a prison cell (The Great Escape)
  • Build a house of cards (Film cliche when someone is bored)
  • Using a phone camera to record a video diary (127 hours)
  • Drawing a face on a tennis ball named Wilson (Castaway).
At the end of the story, there will be a dramatic build up during an apology which is immediately ruined by an awkward boy who will interrupt buy walking down the stairs between them and will walk out of the door. It is revealed that the door has been unlocked the whole time. The boys will then continue their dramatic and inspirational speech nonetheless, and they will both put their hands on the door and push it open slowly. One boy will realise he forgot something and will rush back in to grab it only to find the door close behind him. He will press the button to open the door and when it doesn't work, will rest his head on the window with shame and regret. This will be the end that will lead into the credits.

Throughout the story, there will also be funny lines and jokes just to add a little to the humour but this will happen when I write a script.

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