Friday 9 October 2015

Short Film Genres

I have watched more short films on the internet to help me decide what genre of film I want to make. A short film in particular that I enjoyed watching was a drama. This video however was nearly half an hour gives the characters opportunities to introduce themselves and give their personality.

For me to do a drama piece, I think I would need a lot more time than 5 minutes so I can have a story with characters that the audience can have time to make an opinion about them.

I also liked this video:
This film was a comedy sketch and was only 7 minutes which makes me think that it is achievable to make a 5 minute comedy. The comedy in this is very subtle and only people with a particular taste for this kind of comedy will actually find it funny. This is something that I want to make. Comedies are also the easiest to make into a short film because comedies have big characters with personalities that are immediately recognisable. I need to be able to introduce characters fast to have a short film be only 5 minutes long and for this reason mostly, I am going to make a comedy sketch.

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