Friday 16 October 2015

Draft Storyboard

I have made a storyboard for the shots, angles and music that I will use and in what order they will come. The quality of the scans aren't great but I will still have the paper copy with me when filming. I will not film in this order though because there are more practical ways to film it. At the beginning, there are a lot of shots that need to show a school day in action so I will do those first but the next shot I want to film would be the shot with the awkward boy. This is so that actor is free to go (once it is done and I am happy with it) rather than having to wait for his scene to come up. This will keep him happy and willing to do the scene and I want my actors to remain happy so that the production process is not boring and stressful. I have also noted when my music choices will start and stop at various points before another instrumental continues to play.

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