Thursday 8 October 2015

Green Screen

We decided to practice using a green screen to prepare for our work in the future. Using a green screen gives us more opportunities for ideas because we can digitally insert ourselves anywhere using it. This means that, although we can go to real locations, if they are not available we can use the green screen and keep the production process going. If this is not used in my short film, then I could use it for my poster or review by having the actors look like they are on a high budget set.
The lighting used was a little too strong in the upper corners of the green screen. This gave the video a glare that couldn't be green screened away. The footage used at the bottom of the screen worked well. We used a mat of the same colour on the floor so we could green screen the floor away too. The problem with this is getting the correct perspective using a background so that the actors don't seem out of place. I tried my best to match up the footage of the beach with the actor but it still seems a little out of place. This could of been because of the costume as well.

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