Thursday 1 October 2015

My Choice of Brief

I think I want to make a short film because this is the brief I am most interested in and I have quite a few ideas already. After looking through the brief, I found I was able to use non-copyrighted music which I thought would be one of the few problem that I could encounter. I am already aware of a few websites that have music that people anybody can use (As long as names are included in the credits). Eg.

I have access to actors that are willing to take part in my short film and the locations that I want to use are available. 

I would love to be able to animate a short film but due to time, I don't think I would be able to animate a 5 minute film. However, I can still use animation in my short film by having my production name and title screen animated. This is so I can show my skills and still include a little more of what I love.

If I were to make a music video, then I would want access to a band for a few of the shots and I don't have that. After also already practicing making a music video during the preliminary task, I realised that I wasn't able to show a narrative that I wanted to tell. Making a short story is literally making a narrative piece which is what I intended on doing.

I wouldn't want to make a movie trailer because I am not able to use the special effects needed for the genres of film that I am interested in. I am also not a big fan of feature films and I don't want to spend my time focusing on a brief that I am not fully interested in. 

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