Thursday 5 November 2015

Taking Practice Shots Of Locations

 There were three possible stairways that I wanted to use during the filming of my short film in my school. The first staircase looks like this. After taking the shots, I realise that this staircase was quite dark and narrow. I don't think I can get the shots I want with people in because of how narrow it is. There also wasn't a lot of space for the little extra things that the actors will do like building a house of cards or bouncing a ball off of the wall. I got the shot from the front of the staircase and a shot from the top because these are the shots that I want to be able to take during the filming.

This second staircase was a lot brighter which is god because I want to be able to see my actors. Once again, I took a shot from the front then a shot of the door from above. I want to be able to show students walking out of the door which is why I like this shot because there is room for enough actors to walk out while still be able to show the door and location. there was a lot of space available for the little extra things that I want the actors to do.  

 I took this low angle shot because I want this shot during the time of the awkward boy walking down the stairs. I think this shot will clearly show the boy walking down the stairs as well as making it comical because he will look slightly intimidating from this angle even though he is the complete opposite.
 I took a few extra location shots that I want to show in my short film to show that the location is a school. I like this display because it is bright and colourful and contains students in the photos.
 This is the shot of the field that I want to take with a PE class on it. 
 This is the final staircase that I considered using because of the lighting. There is a lot of natural light here which is good to see the actors. Although there is a wall, most of this room has glass walls, so when filming shots, I have to be aware of the weather because if it changes during some shots that I have filmed out of order, it will look silly when the shots are arranged in the correct order.
Again this area is good because there is a lot of space to watch the students leave through the door as well as space to make a tower of cards and bouncing a ball off of the wall.
I want a shot of the school bell when it rings because I want to show it at the start of the film to show the school day has finished.

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