Wednesday 4 November 2015

Locations Discussion

We have sat as a group and discussed the possible locations that we can use for each of our chosen briefs. In my case, I have based all of my short film in school with teenagers as the actors. Because of this, all of my shots will be in or around my school. The furthest location for me will probably be standing outside of the school to get a shot of the main entrance  because everything I want a shot of is in the school. This makes the location slightly easier for me compared to others because I don't need to travel and have my actors meet in specific locations because my actors will already be in school and we don't need to waste time travelling. A problem I may encounter however will be that because it is a school. other students may pass by or disrupt the filming process. Considering this, I have decided that I will film after school where there are a lot less trespassers to worry about and we won't disturb any lessons during the school day. Some of my shots will need to be shot during the school day because I wan't shots of full classrooms and students playing sport on the field. These shots will then be replicated without the students to show the change in time.

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