Wednesday 13 April 2016

Credits for the End

All of the short films that I have studied have credits at the end. This is to give recognition to everybody involved in the production of the film. I made my credits look like year book pages to fit with the school theme of my film. I got this idea from the film GBF because that film also ends with a yearbook. After the first page of credits, I have included clips of the actors behind the scenes. There are multiple reasons why I have done this. The first reason is because I want the audience to notice my actors as real people and not just the characters they play. I have also noticed that a lot of short films have a different video uploaded with behind the scenes footage and outtakes. I didn't have enough extra footage to make a whole second video so I decided to only include a shot of each actor during the filming process. Finally, some long films have bonus footage during the credits or after the credits. An example of this would be an avengers film.

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