Thursday 28 January 2016

Posters - Key Conventions

Title- The name of the film. This is the biggest text on the poster to stand out to the audience.
Selling Line - Smaller text somewhere near the title. This sums up the film in a small phrase.
Main Image - The most important image of the poster. It is the biggest and clearest and normally contains the main actor(s) involved.
Secondary Images - Other images used on the poster that may be used to highlight other things in the film that didn't fit in the main image.
Background - The image or colour scheme used in the background. This often conveys the location of the film or the atmosphere.
Actors - The names of the main actors are in a smaller font than the title. These are used as unique selling points.
Director - The director's name is on there also a smaller unique selling point.
Company Logos - The logos of the companies involved with the production are often on the poster to give smaller details about the film.
Billing Blocks - The small print used on the poster to give details about who is involved and what companies are involved.

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