Friday 26 February 2016

Magazine References

A lot of short stories/films are posted to youtube so I want to make my article have similar features as a youtube magazine as well as a film magazine. Both of these magazines are quite contrasting so it may be a little difficult to do so but I think I will be able to use bubbles and the layout of a youtube and internet magazine but use a similar colour scheme and house style as a film magazine. A youtube magazine has a fun layout with bubbles, buzz words and bright colours whereas a film magazine seems to be more orderly with darker colours. I am going to mix the conventions of both because it will then appeal to both film watchers and internet browsers. 

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Trapped Poster

This is my finished poster for now. If I decide to make changes then I will update my work.

First of all, the title has the exact same appearance as the one featured in my short film. This is because I wanted to keep the house style the same so that the audience can make a connection between the poster and the short film. I have replaced letters in the title with images that I had drawn on the computer. The images represent the word trapped while also looking like the letters they are replacing to make it still be readable. A lot of the poster features the colour blue because I believe this colour symbolises sorrow and sadness which are the feeling you get when you feel trapped. I decided to use this style of art because I am able to add other relatable symbols without it seeming silly. For instance, the horse is only a small funny cameo in the short film which is why it is featured in the poster but if I used real images, it would look like the horse was a major part of the story line. The colour yellow stands out on the colours of blue I have used so I used it to highlight the unique selling points of the film; the actors. I have used a small blocky font for the small print because this is a key convention that is used on all film posters. To fill the plain parts of the background, I used a few patches of brickwork patterns to also represent the trapped feeling of being inside walls. 

Thursday 18 February 2016

Adobe Indesign

Adobe indesign is the desktop publishing software that I used to piece together my review page and my poster. I made the graphics in Adobe illustrator and using the features in Indesign, I was able to change the opacity, add bubbles, text and import other images. Indesign is able to show guidelines for you to follow to make the boxes the same size. It's a lot easier to work in indesign because the layers make it easy to reposition items and overlap features. 

Wednesday 3 February 2016

My Poster's Characters

I found shots from the movie that I wanted to draw. 
 I traced over the shots and then added different shades over it to give it more depth.
For leon, I traced somebody else with a similar figure because he wasn't available when I needed a shot of him in that position. 
 I added his faces shape over it however so it still looks like him.
 I didn't want to add faces to the characters because i believe that people could already tell what mood the characters are in by their body language.
I am also not good at drawing facial features so I thought it would be best to leave them without a face.