Wednesday 16 September 2015

Preliminary Task Review

After re-watching the music video we created, I am quite happy with the outcome. The video was not as we originally planned however the finished product was still a decent music video with good references to other music videos. Because we used the song A team, we used a black and white effect for most of the video to duplicate the dark atmosphere that the song had because it is about drug use. At the start of the song we decided to switch between colour to show a sign of hope as we look up but then change it back to black and white as the rest of the song continues. We used small shots of us lip syncing like in 'Honey, I'm Good' but due to the A Team being a slower song, the shots were not as quick but they still jump cut to the next person lip syncing which is what we intended to happen. At the start, the close ups transition into one another like a merge from one person to another. For this to work nicely, we had to end the previous shot and start the next shot with both people looking in the same direction. I believed this worked well. Having the close ups in the instrumentals also looked good and gave the music video a bit of emotion. The camera work could have been better with use of a tripod and using a tripod could have allowed us to do our original idea of having the bodies and heads swap like in 'caravan of love' which is a shame it didn't work out but what we have now is still good in my opinion.

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