Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Magazine Draft

This is my first draft of a magazine review page. Because I have mixed genres of magazines from the internet magazine and a film magazine, I have used boxed text with a smaller font. I have also included a page number in the bottom right corner. For the conventions of the internet magazine, I have used a bolder colour scheme by using a lot of shades of blue. I have also used bubbles for extra text to stand out and had the images interact the text boxes for the layout to look a little more fun. There is synergy with this article and the poster by using the same title image, the same image styles, and the same colours. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Magazine Review Page Conventions

Magazine Name - Some magazines keep their magazine name at the top of the page as a reminder of who published the review.
Title - The main heading at the top of the article. This is normally the film title.
Text - The writing reviewing the film in the article.
Main Image - A related image that takes up a lot of space in a review page. This makes the article look more appealing and obvious about the content.
Stand First - The small amount of text underneath the header that sums up the article.
Page Number - The number in one of the corners of the page.
By-line - The name of the person who wrote the article.
Bubbles and Buzz Words - These are normally in gossip/teen/internet magazines but because I am merging genres of magazine to appeal to the appropriate audience. These are used to make the page look more interesting by making key words or quotes stand out.
A Rating - A rating out of five stars and a small summary of why?